Accommodation for Special Needs
Parents are responsible for advising the Religious Education Office about all special needs, allergy, health and medical concerns, and physical and/or learning disabilities that pertain to their children, especially if there is a need for specialized individual attention. This information will be shared with the child’s catechist or aide for the benefit of the assisting in class room management.
If there is an IEP for the student, please give a copy to the Religious Education Office so that we can use the same approaches and strategies that the child is familiar with during the school day.
Our goal is to mainstream, as much as possible, any child with special learning needs. This is dependent upon our ability to recruit catechists and aides who can work individually with a student, if that is necessary.
If a child cannot be mainstreamed successfully, we will work with the family to ensure that an appropriate setting is found to educate the child in the faith and prepare him or her for the sacraments.
Except in extraordinary circumstances which must be approved by the CRE, the Religious Education program or personnel will not maintain, supervise the taking of, or administer medication.
Parents are responsible for advising the CRE if their child carries an inhaler, epi-pen or other life-saving medication that they may need during class sessions; for making sure the child has the necessary supplies; that the child is trained in proper usage, and able to administer the medication as necessary; most importantly, parents are responsible for seeing that children’s information is updated regularly.
Food and Beverages
Due to health and allergy concerns for our students and the students who are here during the day, children are not allowed to bring any food or beverage into the classrooms, with the exception of a water bottle.
The building is ‘nut free.’ However, parents of children who have severe nut or peanut allergies are responsible to come to sanitize the desk and chair that will be used by their child.
Snacks are not eaten during class. They cannot be served in the classroom. We don't have edible treats due to the allergy restrictions and medical conditions of many of the children.
Parents are responsible for advising the Religious Education Office about all special needs, allergy, health and medical concerns, and physical and/or learning disabilities that pertain to their children, especially if there is a need for specialized individual attention. This information will be shared with the child’s catechist or aide for the benefit of the assisting in class room management.
If there is an IEP for the student, please give a copy to the Religious Education Office so that we can use the same approaches and strategies that the child is familiar with during the school day.
Our goal is to mainstream, as much as possible, any child with special learning needs. This is dependent upon our ability to recruit catechists and aides who can work individually with a student, if that is necessary.
If a child cannot be mainstreamed successfully, we will work with the family to ensure that an appropriate setting is found to educate the child in the faith and prepare him or her for the sacraments.
Except in extraordinary circumstances which must be approved by the CRE, the Religious Education program or personnel will not maintain, supervise the taking of, or administer medication.
Parents are responsible for advising the CRE if their child carries an inhaler, epi-pen or other life-saving medication that they may need during class sessions; for making sure the child has the necessary supplies; that the child is trained in proper usage, and able to administer the medication as necessary; most importantly, parents are responsible for seeing that children’s information is updated regularly.
Food and Beverages
Due to health and allergy concerns for our students and the students who are here during the day, children are not allowed to bring any food or beverage into the classrooms, with the exception of a water bottle.
The building is ‘nut free.’ However, parents of children who have severe nut or peanut allergies are responsible to come to sanitize the desk and chair that will be used by their child.
Snacks are not eaten during class. They cannot be served in the classroom. We don't have edible treats due to the allergy restrictions and medical conditions of many of the children.