Talking about God
The Creeds
Jesus - the Second Person of the Trinity
- An online slide show that takes kids from the smallest to the largest in our our universe. A good way to talk about infinity - and an infinite God.
- A Google tour of the closest 100,000 stars and an idea of the immensity of our galaxy, let alone the universe. You can also refer the students to Amos 5:8.
- A helical model of the solar system moving through space Another example of the wonder of Creation
- Deep Space - movie of images from satellites and telesopes that show the immensity of creation
- Bishop Robert Barron on the interface of faith and science - many useful resources
- A Ted ED presentation on the possibility of multiverses and the scientific basis for infinity (which is remarkably like St. Anselm's proof for the existence of God in the 11th century. It is also a nice example of a Ted ED presentation.
- A useful video about God as the cause of the universe
- Show your students a live video that approaches infinity - the deep field survey from Hubble that shows we are in the midst of billions of galaxies with billions of stars. This can spark a reflection on the infinity of God as the creator of all this.
- Dr. Chris Baglow from Notre Dame - resources on integrating science and faith
- The Pale Blue Dot - both a picture from NASA and a video by Carl Sagan that helps us to see our place in the cosmos
- Bored at the Speed of Light - a way to explore the relative distances in the solar system
- 3 in 1 - a video of the book, which we also own. It uses the analogy of an apple to explain the Trinity. Good for third and fourth.
- Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ of the Vatican Observatory on the intersection of science and religion
The Creeds
- Scriptural references for the Apostles Creed
- Scriptural references for the Nicene Creed
Jesus - the Second Person of the Trinity
- Craft for primary grades: Jesus ascends into heaven