Fifth Grade Resources
- Activities to learn and review the Nicene Creed
- Not to be shown to the kids - but a very funny, yet instructive video about theological precision in speaking of the Trinity.
- A good YouTube video you can show to kids: Think about what you're saying in the Creed.
- The Scriptural references for the Nicene Creed.
- A great three-act play on the life of St. Paul
- Videos and time maps from a Harvard course on St. Paul
- Video clip of the Conversion of St. Paul
- Learning stations for the Sacraments of Initiation - plans and posters
- A video presentation on infant baptism
- A collection of Catholic Mass Activities from Jared Dees
- Activities to learn and review the mass and liturgical year.
- A PowerPoint game to play about the mass from Jared Dees - See Cathy for the game.
- Not for the kids, but your own development: The Elements of the Catholic Mass
- Items from mass matching cards
- Marriage vows and marriage interview form
- Carl and Ellie's marriage in Up
- A video that explains the anointing of the sick
- A family recorded the anointing of the sick and penance, as well as Viaticum - last communion and put it on YouTube. It is a tiny bit voyeuristic, but it can be shown in class to fifth grade and above. And, it's real.
- Video of the Sacrament of Confirmation