Moral Life and Virtues
- An excellent supplemental curriculum on virtues and the saints - covers three years and includes family component.
- A bingo game featuring Virtues and Values
- A music video by Jess Godwin about bullying.
- Playing the Gratitude game
- Ten Commandments activities from Jared Dees
Social Awareness and Justice
- Heifer International is a wonderful organization which supplies livestock and agricultural development in forty countries. They have a number of programs which appeal to children. There are a wealth of resources to help educate them about other cultures and countries, as well as fundraising and service opportunities.
- Catholic Relief Services has excellent resources for areas around the world, particularly those in greatest need. Rice Bowl is one of their programs.
- An e-book that discusses applying the themes of Catholic Social Teaching
- Global Poverty - a Ted talk by Bono
- Evidence of modern slavery
- Good overview of Catholic Social Teaching
- Catholic Social Teaching - using popular media
- A good explanation of Catholic Social Teaching and its roots in Rerum Novarum aimed at high school students
- A round up of Catholic social justice activities and ideas.
- Book Beatrice's Goat - Heifer - read aloud